We strive to have all your frequently asked questions answered but if for some reason we missed something about the process or hail repair, please feel free to contact us with your questions.
Hail Repair Related FAQ
What’s So Eco About Your Auto Body?
We do not own any expensive facilities or expensive employees. Instead we pride ourselves in having the largest partner community in the business. We use only eco friendly parts providers and we don't up sell our customers. We use the "if it isn't broken, then don't fix it" policy. Meaning we save countless of labor hours and materials instead of making an extra dollar. We do all the prep work, body work and paintless dent repair and hire out for the rest.Why Should I Use Your Service Instead Of The Body Shop Directly?
Many of these companies have high overheads and processing customers is one of their most costly expenses. Much of your repair is administrative work and managing. If we can eliminate the costly bureaucratic processes then the result will be more time effective but more importantly, eco friendly.Will Hail Claims Harm My Premiums?
NO – Hail is covered under your comprehensive insurance and considered an act of nature so it will not raise your premiums.