Toyota Sienna van hail repair
we repaired this 2013 Toyota Sienna at our shop this December. It was a very hit job had really bad hail damage.
The roof we really should have been replaced as well as the hood which is never a good idea on these newer Vehicles because no matter how good the paint job it’s just not original anymore. Are painters use the best quality paint and clear coats but no matter what it’s always best if you can save the original Factory finish as well as the original Factory parts
in this picture you can see the van prepped and ready for work the roof has been repaired and the hood has been repaired and is ready to go back on to the vehicle.
as you can see the headliner and sunroof have both been dropped to gain access to the back of those dance. The hood has also been removed from the vehicle to gain better access and have four different angles of potential repair for those dents.
before hail repair
after hail repair
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