Frequently Asked Questions

It is far better for us to meet with the adjuster for many factors.  If we have the car in our care - we will use special lights to make sure the adjuster does not miss anything.  We need to get it done first off instead of having to do what's called a supplement, and this can take up to a week.  So the day before the adjuster is set to see the car, we get you in a car rental and have the vehicle at our shop.
NO – Paintless dent repair is the preferred method of by all professionals repair because it will not harm your factory paint or finish.
YES – Any type of hail damage can be repaired by PDR accept if the paint is cracked then there will have to be a combination repair done that will involve some conventional repair but a combo repair is far superior to a strictly conventional repair.
NOT LONG – Compared to conventional repairs, paintless dent repair takes about 1/3 of the time it takes a body shop to finish the same repairs.

NO – Hail is covered under your comprehensive insurance and considered an act of nature so it will not raise your premiums.